
Being a fabulous Ex-pat from the States, I was lost when I got to the British Isles and attempted cooking. Ingredients had different names, measurements were beyond me, and who the hell knows what the setting “3 1/2” means on a gas oven? I have done some hunting on the web, and I am here to help all you gourmets crossing “the pond.” If you need something to make, check out our “recipes" in "fun stuff.” If you need help figuring out how what the food is that some of the recipes are talking about, check out the article on UK and US Food Names, etc..

On y va!

Next, you turn on the oven...


To convert from Fahrenheit (USA) to Celsius (everyone else), follow this formula:

Fahrenheit – (subtract) 32, x (multiply) 5, then / (divide) 9 = Celsius

and in reverse...

Celsius x (multiply) 9, / (divide) 5, then + (add) 32 = Fahrenheit

Yes, it is that easy!

Ok, so if you are a little lazy, here is a chart to help you out...


224 | 110 | 1/4

250 | 120 | 1/2

275 | 140 | 1

300 | 150 | 2

325 | 160 | 3

350 | 175 | 4

375 | 190 | 5

400 | 200 | 6

425 | 220 | 7

450 | 230 | 8

475 | 240 | 9

500 | 260 | 10

Next, you must measure out your ingredients...


Note: I was warned by many websites that if you convert the measurements of one ingredient, it is "critical" that you convert all the measurements of all of the ingredients or else the recipe will be a "disaster." (I think it means a black hole may form in your kitchen and the world will be destroyed, but I haven't tested this theory yet.)

|United States Measurements|United Kingdom Equivalents

1 fluid ounce (oz) | 29.6 milliliters

1/4 teaspoon | 1.23 milliliters

1/2 teaspoon | 2.46 milliliters

3/4 teaspoon | 3.7 milliliters

1 teaspoon (tsp) | 4.93 milliliters

1 1/4 teaspoons | 6.16 milliliters

1 1/2 teaspoons | 7.39 milliliters

1 3/4 teaspoons | 8.63 milliliters

2 teaspoons | 9.86 milliliters

1 tablespoon (tbs) | 14.79 milliliters

2 tablespoons | 29.57 milliliters

1/4 cup | 59.15 milliliters

1/2 cup | 118.3 milliliters

1 cup (8oz) | 236.59 milliliters

2 cups or 1 pint | 473.18 milliliters

3 cups | 709.77 milliliters

4 cups or 1 quart (32 oz) | 946.36 milliliters

4 quarts or 1 gallon | 3.785 liters

Some good conversion math... (uhm...might need a calculator...)

|Known|Multiply By|Needed

teaspoons | 4.93 | milliliters

tablespoons | 14.79 | milliliters

fluid ounces | 29.57 | milliliters

cups | 236.59 | milliliters

cups | 0.236 | liters

pints | 473.18 | milliliters

pints | 0.473 | liters

quarts | 946.36 | milliliters

quarts | 0.946 | liters

gallons | 3.785 | liters

ounces | 28.35 | grams

pounds | 0.454 | kilograms

inches | 2.54 | centimeters

Known|Divide By|Needed

milliliters | 4.93 | teaspoons

milliliters | 14.79 | tablespoons

milliliters | 4.93 | teaspoons

milliliters | 14.79 | tablespoons

milliliters | 29.57 | fluid ounces

milliliters | 236.59 | cups

liters | 0.236 | cups

milliliters | 473.18 | pints

liters | 0.473 | pints

milliliters | 946.36 | quarts

liters | 0.946 | quarts

liters | 3.785 | gallons

grams | 28.35 | ounces

kilograms | 0.454 | pounds

centimeters | 2.54 | inches

Want more info?

Go to it, Skippy!

World Wide Recipes

Lloyd & Anne

Home Recipes