Prix garantis

Réservations en-ligne d'auberges et d'hôtels à budget

Trouvez votre auberge
à Pavie

Pavia Ostello

Via Brenta 3 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Auberge
If your trip is via Pavia you do not need to search for the right accommodation for you...the new Pavia Hostel is the choice! A small property where you'll find a genuine and funny atmosphere. The ideal for backpackers, young couples or families. en savoir plus »
26.43 EUR
prix moyen par client par nuit
commentaires 5

Mood-San Matteo stanza gialla

Via Lombroso 17 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
The Mood-San Matteo apartment is the ideal space to live in for any student or young boy/girl looking for a friendly accomodation in Pavia. Thanks to recent renovations, it comes with new, cool furniture and a fully equipped kitchen. Rooms are two and double, Wi-Fi connection guaranteed 24/7. en savoir plus »
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Albergo Ristorante Castello***

via Terme 19, Miradolo Terme - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Hôtel ***
About us
The Castello hotel restaurant has been open since 1913. It offers hospitality in standard and superior rooms. ... en savoir plus »
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Mood-cavour Cavour 14b - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
The Mood-cavour apartment is the accomodation you were looking for. Boasting the perfect location in the middle of the city center, it offers one bedroom with TV and cable connation, as well as free Wi-Fi in every area. en savoir plus »
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Mood-Sant Ennodio

via Sant Ennodio 10 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
Mood-Sant Ennodio is a one of a kind apartment, located in Pavia. It boasts a very fancy location, inside a court of the 19th century, and unique forniture, made of lanters all around the world. en savoir plus »
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Mood-nice one

via Flarer 21 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
This lovely apartment in the middle of Pavia offers large and nicely designed inner spaces, such as a furbished kitchen and a comfortable living room, as well as room for up to four people. The added value? The outdoor garden! en savoir plus »
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Mood-Villa Glori

via Villa glori12 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
About us
Mood-Villa Glori is an particular one-bedroom apartment, situated in a court of the beginning '800, furnished ... en savoir plus »
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Mood-Siro Comi stanza rossa

Via Siro comi 35 - Pavie, Italie
Catégorie: Appartement
This accomodation offers to its guests two wide double rooms, with common and fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. What's more, the apartment comes with a big living room as well and free Wi-Fi connection in all the areas, strictly smoke free. en savoir plus »
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