No booking fee

online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela

Ostello Oikos

via paolo renzi,55 - Rim, Italija
vrlo niska
31 recenzija


Potražite dostupnost u Ostello Oikos, Rim, Italija


Traffic apart, Rome is a great city. However, accommodations are expensive and provide only a few hostels. So we have decided to give the opportunity of a cheap stay, making available simple spaces usually reserved for volunteers. It’s important that you keep in mind that OIKOS is a voluntary no-profit organization and you’ll be staying in an environment which is based on respect and solidarity.

PLEASE NOTE: at the check-in 3 Euro are required for registration (where you will have the association card and the clean linen). We do not accept minors and groups of more than four persons.We do not accept families.


Credit Card security number (CVC2) must be supplied to guarantee booking, please sent it to Ostello Oikos once the booking is made.


Check In

od 9:00 do 19:00

Policijski Sat

Nema policijskog sata

Lockout/zatvaranje Sobe

Nema lockout/vremena zatvaranja


Važno Je Znati

Neprilagođeno za osobe s posebnim potrebama
NE prihvaćaju se djeca
Dobna ograničenja za privatne sobe: najmanje 18 godina
Dobna ograničenja za spavaonice: najmanje 18 godina
Pravila o pušenju: Neke su sobe za pušače dostupne NA ZAHTJEV, moguće je pušiti u zajedničkim zonama
Životinje se NE prihvaćaju

Uvjeti i pravila

Struktura prihvaća sljedeće kreditne kartice za plaćanje ostatka cijene: Visa, Mastercard.
Struktura ima pravo napraviti pre-autorizaciju kreditne kartice prije dolaska.
Porezi nisu uključeni: At the moment of check-in a mandatory contribution of 3 € is requested for membership Oikos (valid for one year) and for the use of the sheets..
Ostale promjene: Is it possible to pay the contribution, including through credit card, sending the number, the expiry date and the type of paper, the name and date of birth of the owner. After the transfer, you will receive the booking confirmation. Administrative costs: 4% of the.

Moguće je besplatno otkazati rezervaciju najkasnije do 24 sata prije datuma dolaska, naplaćivanje prvog noćenja u slučajevima kasnog otkazivanja ili nedolaska

At the moment of arrival at the hostel customer have to pay the full balance by cash.

Dostupne usluge

Wi-Fi pristupDA
Internet pristupDA

Zajednički prostori za goste
