
Holiday House Al Vicoletto

Discesa San Pietro n.2/3 - Castroreale, 意大利 (Italy)


Motorway A20, barrier Bacellona Pozzo di Gotto and continue in direction to Castroreale on way SP82 or SP85. When you will arrive in the centre of Castroreale,it is more simple to call us

By train: stop in Barcellona - Castroreale station, and continue in direction of Castroreale by bus AST.
Take a bus from Barcellona train station to bus station ( in the centre of Barcellona city). Then, take a bus to Castroreale.

Bus time table:
from Barcellona to Castroreale
am.6.10; 7.35; 7.45; 11.20; 12.30;
pm 1.10; 1.30-

from Castroreale to Barcellona
am 7.05; 8.30; 12.00;
pm 1.25 - 2.00 -

on Sunday there is no bus