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Caragabí Hostel

Km 4 vía tebaida, vereda el rhin - Armenia, Colombia

Dirección (como llegar al hostal):

From the airport take route number 9 towards Armenia , and tell the bus driver to drop you off at the parque de recreación or vivero manuelita (gardening shop), the hostel is located next to the vivero.

From the bus terminal take the bus to tebaida , and tell the bus driver to drop you off at the parque de recreación or vivero manuelita, the hostel is located next to the vivero.

From armenia take route number 9 towards tebaida, and tell the bus driver to drop you off at the parque de recreación or vivero manuelita, the hostel is located next to the vivero.

bus tickets available from $1,600 pesos to $2,000 pesos
cab rides from armenia bus terminal can cost up to $8,000 , from north side of the city can be up to $10,000 pesos.
Cab rides from the airport can be up to $15,000 pesos