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Mooca Hostel Atlantica

Rua Padre Raposo, 563 - São Paulo, Brazil

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

Arriving from Aeroporto Congonhas: Take the bus to metrô São Judas – take the metrô and get off at Sè station – then take the metro towards Itaquera and get off at the Bresser/Mooca station. You can call the hostel and we´ll pick you up for free! If you prefer to walk, the distance is approximately 1 km. You could also take the VILA ALPINA bus in front of the metro and get off at the second stop (Avenida Paes de Barros) in front of Habbib´s restaurant and a Police Station. This is where Rua Padre Raposo begins, where Mooca Hostel is number 563.

From the International Guarulhos Airport (Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos): Take the bus to metro TATUAPÉ station – then take the metro in the direction of Barra Funda. Get off at the Bresser/Mooca station. You can call the hostel and we´ll pick you up for free! If you prefer to walk, the distance is approximately 1 km. You could also take the VILA ALPINA bus in front of the metro and get off at the second stop (Avenida Paes de Barros) in front of Habbib´s restaurant and a Police Station. This is where Rua Padre Raposo begins, where Mooca Hostel is number 563.

From the Terminal rodoviário do Tietê: Take the metro towards Sé station. Then take the metro in direction of Itaquera and get off at the Bresser/Mooca station. You can call the hostel and we´ll pick you up for free! If you prefer to walk, the distance is approximately 1 km. You could also take the VILA ALPINA bus in front of the metro and get off at the second stop (Avenida Paes de Barros) in front of Habbib´s restaurant and a Police Station. This is where Rua Padre Raposo begins, where Mooca Hostel is number 563.

P.S. We offer shuttle service to/from both airports for an affordable fee, but this service must be requested in advance.