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online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela

Budapest Panorama Central ***

Károly körút 10 III/5 - Budimpešta, Mađarska

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

By plane: At the end of the airport terminal take bus 200E to the very end of the line to the Blueline metro station at Kőbánya-Kispest. You will see an escalator going into the building. At the top of the escalator, walk halfway through the building and you will see the entrance to the metro on the left. You can take any train that comes. Get off at Deák tér. Go down the escalator to change for the Red metroline. You have to travel only 1 stop in the direction of Örs vezér tere and get off at the Astoria stop. At the top of the escalator turn left and then left again. Find the exit showing Károly körút páros oldal. From the top of the steps we are approximately 50m.
At Karoly korut 10 you will see a bronze sign for the hotel near the entrance. For arrivals coming after dark or on the weekends, the main gate will be closed, but you can be buzzed in by pressing 10 on the intercom system by the gate. Walk into the building courtyard and you will see an elevator right in front of you. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor – number “3”. Exit the elevator, turn left and you will find entrance on the right.