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online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela


Via San Giuseppe al Duomo 31 - Catania, Italija

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

From the airport;

bus 457

stop with square Borsellino

walk under the arches turn left

a few steps to the right you meet U Zeta Gate

pass under the arch and arrive in Piazza Duomo

Cross the square and on the left encountered Via Vittorio Emanuele

the second street on the right is via S giuseppe the cathedral. at 31 we are there
bus 429

stop with square Borsellino.

walk under the arches

turn left

a few steps to the right you meet U Zeta Gate

pass under the arch and arrive in Piazza Duomo

Cross the square and on the left encountered Via Vittorio Emanuele

the second street on the right is via S giuseppe the cathedral. at 31 there we are