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online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela

EOS Garden Events and Breakfast

Località Serretiello - Cava de' Tirreni, Italija

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

On leaving the hightway A3 Salerno - Napoli, turn left into Via XXV Luglio and proceed forward to Salerno

Pass the railway station and along the Trincerone (on your left) and the fuel station (on right).

Shortly before arriving at the Basilica of St. Francis, turn left into Hall Street and then immediately roll towards Via Caliri.

At the traffic light (top) and continue straight ahead on the road until on your right (before the Dupino Square) you will find a shrine in memory of King Ferrante.

At that point you stop and take the way your left until the end of the road.