No booking fee

online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela

Vila Jelena

Generala Sturma 1a - Beograd, Srbija
vrlo niska
Guest House
Još nije ocjenjeno


Potražite dostupnost u Vila Jelena, Beograd, Srbija


Welcome to Dedinje - the regal and residential area of Belgrade, one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods in Europe. Dedinje is surrounded by parks, forests, beautifully crafted gardens and Villas that represented Serbian and European architecture throughout the ages.
In the midst of all this wonder, we have created the unique Villa Jelena especially for you. Villa Jelena combines the tradition and prestige of old Belgrade, with famous Serbian hospitability and the highest level of personalized service.
Villa Jelena was built in the neoclassical style of architecture and 20th Century Italian interior design and offers the highest technological standards. Great attention to detail, the warmth of the decor as well as the professionalism of our staff, will make you feel at home. All rooms in Villa Jelena each differ in color and style but are all equal in comfort and luxury.Superior rooms – DaVinci, Beethoven, Mozart, Rembrandt include surface areaAir conditioning, Bathroom with a separate shower Mini-bar,High-speed Internet connection available – cable or wireless Television and DVD player, Safe Dry Clean service available on additional charge and Walk-in Wardrobe.


Check In

od 13:00 do 24:00

Check Out

do 12:00

Policijski Sat

Nema policijskog sata

Lockout/zatvaranje Sobe

Nema lockout/vremena zatvaranja




Važno Je Znati

Neprilagođeno za osobe s posebnim potrebama
Prihvaćaju se djeca. Djeca borave besplatno u krevetu/ima roditelja ukoliko su mlađi od 7 godina.
Dobna ograničenja za privatne sobe: najmanje 18 godina
Dobna ograničenja za spavaonice: nema ograničenja
Životinje se NE prihvaćaju

Uvjeti i pravila

Struktura prihvaća sljedeće kreditne kartice za plaćanje ostatka cijene: Visa, Mastercard.
Struktura ima pravo napraviti pre-autorizaciju kreditne kartice prije dolaska.
Porezi uključeni.

Struktura naplaćuje 1 noćenje/a ukoliko se rezervacija otkaže u manje od 2 dana prije datuma dolaska.
U slučaju nedolaska struktura naplaćuje 1 noćenje/a na kreditnu karticu klijenta.

If the remaining amount of the booking charge won't be possible the hotel staff can contact you asking to provide a different credit card, otherwise the booking will be cancelled and the deposit won't be refunded.

Dostupne usluge

Sigurnosni ormarić / LockerDA
Kabelska / Satelitska TVDA
Wi-Fi pristupNE

Zajednički prostori za goste
