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online rezerviranje hostela i ekonomičnih hotela

Pension Goiko

Puerto 6 , 2b - San Sebastian, Španjolska

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

Pension Goiko is situated in Parte Vieja the 'Old Town', close to everything.
- Free parking in Paseo Nuevo. Private parking in the Boulevard and Okendo. 5 min. walk to Pensión Goiko.

- Renfe Station: 15 min walk to Pensión Goiko.
- Euskotren Station: 20 min walk. Buses 26 and 28 to the Boulevard (5 minute walk).

- Bus Station Amara: 20 min walk. Buses 26 and 28 to the Boulevard (5 minute walk).