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Kismet Cave House

Kagni Yolu Sokak no:9 - Göreme, Turska

Directions ( how to arrive at the hostel) / Upute kako se dolazi do hostela

How to get to Goreme?

Transportation: Goreme village is easily accessible by road from all
directions, especially through Nevsehir. The Ankara - Adana highway
approaches from the northwest, the Aksaray - Nevsehir from the southwest,
and the Kayseri - Goreme highway from the northeast.

By Bus: You can easly find direct busses from every city to Goreme. There
are 4 bus companies that you can choose from, Nevsehir, Metro, Göreme and
Kent. All of them have bus services to Göreme. (It takes about 11 hours from Istanbul to Göreme.) We are just 100 meters west of Goreme bus station.

By Air; You can find flights from Istanbul to Kayseri (about 100km away
from Goreme) then get service bus to Goreme or use our private pick up
service to Kismet Cave House.

Location of Kismet Cave House..........
Just walk uphıll from the bus statıon along the main street (towards Nevsehır) and look for a bıg rock on the
right side. From there on, just follow the signs for the Kismet Cave hotel for the last 45 meters.
Alternatively, you can go to the tourist information (at the bs staıon) and ask them to give us a call, so you will be picked up.