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Casa David

160 CIB VILLAGE - Alba Iulia, Romania
molto bassa
Non ancora recensito


Cerca disponibilità al Casa David, Alba Iulia, Romania


Casa David hostel offers accommodation in Transylvania, Apuseni mountains, Cib village, Alba county, 16 km far from Geoagiu Bai. Located in the Apuseni mountains near the Cib keys the hostel has all comforts allowing you to spend a wonderful holiday in a natural environment and to enjoy the mots’ natural, kind and common sense hospitality.
Accommodation: “Casa David ” hostel has 10 double rooms

Telephone and television in the room, cable TV, toilet, restaurant, snack bar and night bar, room service, central heating, gym, sauna, conference hall, parking, touristic information office, business-travel, team building, and winter sports.

Facilities: each room has shower bathroom, hot water, central heating, color TV, cable TV, fridge, room service, and parking.

Optional reception: telephone, fax, Internet
Our central heating system offers our guests the optimal temperature in each room and non-stop running hot water.

- route 1 : Cheile Cibului natural reservation and a visit to Chei monastry- free
- route 1: Dacic fortress –Orastia mountains - Sarmisegetusa - optional
- route 2: visit to Achim Emilian Museum, Almasu Mare
- route 3: Geoagiu Bai excursion
1 day excursions:
- Cib – Zlatna – Abrud – Campeni – Rosia Montana (golden mines - Roman mines) visit to the Scarisoara ice cave - return