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The Red Cat Hostel

Myru Ave, 3/1, - Donec'k, Ucraina

Directions (how to arrive at the hostel) / Come si arriva all'ostello:

How to get to the hostel:
• from railway station you can go by bus #46-b - to station Artema street (there you will see the store 'Белый лебедь' (russian pronunciation 'Belyi lebed' - the white swan). Then you should go straight down the Myra avenue in the direction of monument of Artem. Then - you should cross the University street, Shorsa street and Rozy Luksemburg street, and you will see the bank 'Ukrainian financial world'. Our hostel is in the first house behind the bank. You will see the red cat on the front of the house.
• from railway station also you can go by bus #70. Your station will be 'Изумруд' (russian pronunciation 'Izumrud' - the emerald). You should go the Shorsa street and Rozy Luksemburg street.
• from South bus station you can go by trolleybus #10 - to station 'Izumrud'.
• from Donbass Arena you can go by bus #100 or trolleybus #8 - to station 'Izumrud'.
• from West bus station you can go by bus #73-a or #83 - to station 'Izumrud'.