
Barocco Hostel

Lónyay utca 9. 1/5 - ブダペスト, ハンガリー


The public transport system is really good so that you can easily find everything near at hand. The nearest Metro stop is Kálvin tér metro stop.

Coming from

Keleti Railway Station: Take the gree line metro (M4) toward Kelenföldi pu. and travel till Kálvin tér(3nd stop).

The airport: (it is about 40 - 50 minutes)
Take the airport bus (Reptér Bus Nr 200) which takes you to Kőbánya Kispest metro station, then switch to the blue metro (M3) for 8 stops to Kálvin tér.

Nyugati Railway Station: Take the blue line metro (M3) toward Kőbánya Kispest and travel till Kálvin tér (4th stop).

Deli Railway Station: Take the red line metro (M2) and travel till Deák Ferenc square (4th stop). There you can get on to the blue line metro (M3) (toward Kőbánya Kispest) and get out at Kálvin tér (2nd stop).

Népliget international bus station: Take the blue line metro (M3) toward pest-központ and travel till Kálvin tér (4th stop).

The easiest way to find the hostel from Kálvin tér:
You come up on the escalator when you get off from the underground, and with the escalator opposite way up you come out. You come round on the zebra right then, directly long beside the building operations and in this manner Ráday you arrive into a street, which is paralell to our street. You turn right on the first street from there, and from there the first street leftwards will be Lónyay utca, our street. We are on the street's right side, 9. street-number, Delicatesse gate beside a shop. 5 doorbell ours, where nothing is announced yet.
All of the road from the underground there are not more 5 minutes, only somewhat more complicated now because of the building operations.