About us
The property is located in Casapesenna (CASERTA - ITALY) provides all the certification required by Italian law with regard to safety at work and residence. The place was confiscated by criminal organization and to become a public place assigned to No Profit Organization as Giosef Italy. Opened in 2016, Il Paguro is living in a start up phase to became a center for European young.
The Hostel is divided in two floors: first floor there are 3 dormitory rooms with 6 places, 4 places and 8 places. In the first floor there bathrooms with showers and a bathroom for people with disabilities. Second floor there two rooms with 4 places and 2 places, also showers, bathroom and bathroom for people with disabilities in the same floor.
Services and activities
On the ground is held the room for the activities of about 70 square meters where workshops and activities to achieve movement. Provided for participants with special dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, intolerant) set of pots dedicated to the food preparation to prevent contamination with different elements from your diet.There are a common area with seating, tables and a wi-fi zone, telephone and PC.
The place is around others private habitations, located in really quite corner of the city. After midnight it's strictly forbidden to make noise outside the rooms, including balconies and garden.
The reception is opened during group hosting from 8.30 am to 11.59 pm
(Normal check-in with registration to Italian police)
Wi-Fi アクセス | 利用可 |
シーツ (個室(プライベートルーム)) | 利用可 |
シーツ (ドミトリー) | 利用不可 |
エアコン (コモンエリア) | 利用可 |
エアコン (個室(プライベートルーム), ドミトリー) | 別料金 |
収納 | 利用可 |
ランドリー | 利用可 |
インターネット | 利用可 |
暖房 | 利用可 |
駅からの送迎 | 別料金 |
ピックアップ/空港からの送迎 | 別料金 |
タオル | 3.00 EUR (一人あたり) |
レンタル自転車 | 利用可 |
テレビ (コモンエリア) | 利用可 |
ケーブル/衛星放送テレビ (コモンエリア) | 利用可 |
冷蔵庫 (コモンエリア) | 利用可 |
2食付き | 別料金 |
3食付き | 別料金 |
朝食 | 利用不可 |
キッチン | 利用可 |
エレベーター | 利用可 |
会議室 | 利用可 |
テラス | 利用可 |
ガーデン | 利用可 |
ダイニングルーム | 利用可 |
駐車場 | 利用不可 |