

Origins of the Pavlova. Australia or New Zealand? Whether it is Australian or New Zealand made, the Pavlova is a sweet and sickly delight to devour once and awhile!

- 4 egg whites - 1 tspn vanilla essence (5 ml) - 2 tspns vinegar - 1 cup sugar


- Preheat oven to 150 oC (300 oF) - Grease oven tray - Beat the egg whites until very stiff - Fold in vinegar and vanilla - Add sugar, and beat until smooth - Pile the mix onto oven tray about the size of a medium cake. - Place pavlova in oven, and immediately reduce temperature to 100 oC - Cook for 90 minutes

If cooked correctly (as all ovens vary), the pav should be crunchy on the outside, and like marshmallow on the inside. Do not open the oven at all while cooking!!!!

To serve:

Arrange sliced kiwifruit or any other fresh fruit you like, on top of whipped cream (250ml of full cream per pavlova), with icing sugar being added to the cream during whipping to one's own taste (I put about 1/2 cup in).