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Apartments Arbanasic

Šime Buzolić Tome 59 - Hvar Island, Croatia

Directions (how to arrive at the hostel):

How to reach Hvar island

Here are some useful tips for your travel to Hvar island and Croatia. The easiest way to Hvar depends on your means of transport, and direction you are coming from.

Generally, if you travel by car, bus or train, you need to reach Split or Drvenik in central Dalmatia, where you can take a ferry to Hvar or catamaran to Hvar (from Split). Ferries Split - Stari Grad (Hvar), and Drvenik Sućuraj take cars.

If you go by plane, the closest local and international airports are Split, Dubrovnik and Brac airport, and then you need to take a local bus, rent a car, or take a taxi to Hvar.
There are also international ferry lines to Hvar (from Italy), and ferry lines along the coast which stop in Hvar.

Regardless of what transportation means you use to come, undoubtedly you will experience a sea journey to Hvar island. When you see Hvar and start to enjoy in its benefits you will know that your journey has paid off.