
"I've Never"

It's my favourite, 'I don't know you, but lets play this' type of drinking game. I am sure I played this game with Annie and some Irish folk in Bled, Slovenia. I can't remember, so it must have been good!

It's a great game to get to know your new found friends, or find out those dirty secrets of your old friends.

What you need:

- Anyone who wants to play!

- Plenty of booze - anything goes, just as long as it's a glass full. Shots are also good for this game.


- Form a circle, or just sit around a table. Each person takes turns at saying what they've never done:

- "I've never roller-blade"

- "I've never laughed at someone"

- "I've never had a one-night stand"

Those who have done these things, take a BIG drink. As the game goes on, the innocent & simple 'I've nevers', turn into dirty & sordid tales.

Warning: you might awake in the morning a little embarrassed by what you confessed to your traveling pals - if you can remember, that is.