
Warm Chicken Salad

For those hot summer nights, your all in one tasty and simple salad. If you dont have all the ingredients go wild and make up your own, also great and nutritious for vegetarians, just leave out the chicken.


- 2 thinly sliced chicken breasts - Packet of pine nuts - 2 carrots sliced length way - Lettuce (cos I find is the best) - 1/2 red capsicum sliced length way - 3 celery sticks sliced length way - Fresh coriander leaves - 3 tabs olive oil


- 1/3 cup mayonaise - 1/3 cup sour cream - 2 tabs lemon juice (best if freshly squeezed) - If you cant find Sour Cream (such as in Italy), it can be easily made with single cream beaten to a thicker consistancy and then slowly strirring in a few tabs of lemon juice to taste. - Simply mix all ingredients together in a cup


- Roast pine nuts in a tab of olive oil till golden brown, leave on the side to cool - Place sliced chicken pieces, coriander and 2 tabs olive oil in frying pan over a medium heat, make sure chicken is cooked through but tender, will take about 10 mins - While the chicken is cooking prepare salad ingredients - Wash lettuce and place in bowl as whole leaves, throw in sliced celery, carrot and capsicum. - Stir in dressing and last but not least add the warm chicken and sprinkle with roasted pine nuts.